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YEP 10 USA CAMP – Day 6

Today we woke up to a day of adventure. Breakfast was closely followed by a trip to Lusanne on Lake Geneva for a sailing-packed day. The 2 hour drive was almost as fun as the rest of the day due to the ‘built-in iPod’, AKA Dan, who kept an upbeat guitar rythm going the entire drive.

Upon arrival at the Lake, we had a briefing on boat terminology and the basics of sailing. We broke off into teams, and set out onto the water!  Everyone started off with the step 1: keeping the boat afloat.  The next step was a little challenging for some people: steering the boat in a straight line.  After perfecting this, we moved onto more complicated maneuvers, such as tacking and gybing – know as turning to the non-sailing elite.

After an awesome picnic lunch, provided by Cathy, Mike’s wife, we returned to the water to test our newly acquired skills in a regatta. The regatta proved to be more of a strategic puzzle than we originally thought, allowing each boat a chance to win. The lack of wind made the sailing escpecially difficult, but once the races were over we celebrated by jumping into the freezing cold water.

The real race of the day was between Matin and Luke on the twisting roads of the towering Swiss Alps. The five o’clock trafic made for an interesting driving course on which Javier was constantly being left behind.

From begining to end the day was a fun filled adventure for everyone.


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