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Pack North Pole : Book “Survivant des Glaces” + Conference “La traversée du Pôle Nord” (FR)

Original price was: CHF52.00.Current price is: CHF40.00. TTC


⚠ This North Pole pack is in French only ⚠

Discover Mike Horn’s incredible expedition through his book ‘Survivor of the Ice’ and the exclusive conference filmed at the Grand Rex in Paris.

Mike Horn’s last expedition, Pole2Pole, consisted of a crossing from the North Pole to the South Pole, without motorised vehicles, by ski, kayak and aboard his ice-breaking sailboat. This adventure, completed on 30 December 2019, is the most extreme he has ever accomplished. In this thrilling account of his odyssey between the two most opposite points of our globe, he will once again realise that man is tiny in the face of nature and its dangers, but that he will not give up on facing them for anything in the world.

BOOK (20€ / 27,90CHF) CONFERENCE (25 €/CHF)
Name: Survivant des Glaces
Publication date: 2021
Number of pages: 331
Duration: 2h21
Theme: La traversée du Pôle Nord
Date: 2020