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Digital conference “La traversée du Pôle Nord” (FR)

In June 2019, Mike Horn and his friend Fred Roux attempted to climb the summit of K2, a unique and rewarding experience for the explorer. Mike Horn didn’t stop there and set off again a few weeks later to take on a new challenge: crossing the Arctic Ocean via the North Pole with his friend Børge Ousland.

CHF25.00 TTC


In 2020, Mike Horn tells the story of this conference at the Grand Rex in Paris.

Location: Grand Rex, Paris
Running time: 2h21
Date: 2020

This ticket gives access to the replay of the lecture ‘Crossing the North Pole’ given in Paris at the Grand Rex in 2020. The conference is in French.

Follow the steps below to take part in the conference:

  1. Buy the conference
  2. Access the conference on your account

1 review for Digital conference “La traversée du Pôle Nord” (FR)

  1. French


    Excellente conférence, toujours aussi inspirant ! Merci Mike !

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