Serbia Project – September 5
The main square of Kraljevo is full of young people. We are more than one hundred teenagers who want to raise awareness for environmental issues. How? By doing something that nobody expects us to do.
I once read the quote "The best is to do things people think you cannot do!" And our flash mob followed exactly this statement.
Suddenly everyone fell on the floor and put up signs with environmental messages.
Pedestrians jumped away in surprise, took out their mobile phones and started filming these strange guys lying on the floor without moving for exactly one minute.
This might not be an action that really has a big impact in terms of improving the planet's situation but it reminds people to care about nature and do small things like saving water and energy or riding their bike instead of driving their car.
We even got applause when we all got up again and walked away into different directions as if nothing had happened.
This flash mob was an eye-opener for us YEPs because it proved that the peer leaders are able to organize their own actions and projects. We didn't interfere in their planning so they did all by themselves. They got all of their friends together and worked out the plan how everything was going to happen. And it all went well!
This day wasn't only an eye-opener for us but also for themselves: now they know that they are capable of working individually!