Mike’s Blog 19.02.2011
We have done 500NM the last 2.5 days since we left Sandakan. Pangaea and all those on board have been hampered by squall after squall. Constantly changing wind directions and strong currents in between islands are slowing us down. This is the land of pirates so I have been told in Borneo, and that could explain the lack of bigger ships around us. We have seen very little life except some squid fishing boats close to land and 2 small land birds sitting in our cockpit hitching a ride. We have to keep a 10 knot average to make it on time to Vancouver. Our average up to date is about 8 knots so I hope we can catch up soon. Tristan has been cooking so far and we are enjoying our fresh vegetables as long as it lasts, and then we are back on instant noodles!!