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Young Exlorers speak at the Prince Albert II Foundation

On the 11th of december 50 or so Young Explorers meet in Monaco for the Pangaea Expedition Finale. With so many youths all together it seemed like the perfect opportunity to let them share their experiences with other like-minded young adults. Youths from the Prince Albert II Foundation, a Foundation whose purpose is to protect the environment and to encourage sustainable development, come and listen to their speeches and discuss the common global challenge that is affecting us and the world today.


Mike Horn looks back at four years of Pangaea

Monaco, 13th of December 2012: After four years the Pangaea Expedition, led by Mike Horn, the South African/Swiss Eco Explorer, will come to an end. “When we first set sail with the PANGAEA, we couldn’t have envisioned where this journey would take us and the level of success the project would enjoy. For me, Pangaea was more than just an expedition. The project held a very special meaning. On our journey to some of the earth’s most remote locations, the Young Explorers and I experienced not only the natural beauty of our planet, but also the impact human intervention has on our highly sensitive ecosystem”, says Horn.

With his crew and Young Explorers, 15 to 20 year-old youths from all over the world, Mike Horn explored all the earth’s continents and travelled across the planet’s oceans with the PANGAEA expedition sailing vessel. All told, close to 100 Young Explorers accompanied him to 12 hot spots around the world where they implemented ecological and social projects – following the motto “explore – learn – act”.
Covering all the natural elements and the seven continents, during three-week segments, the youths analysed environmental problems such as climate change, glacial retreat, deforestation, desertification, water pollution and the human impact on marine life and the ecosystems, while familiarising themselves with the often threatened biodiversity in the most varied regions on our planet. The explorer explains his motivation as follows: “My objective was to show these youths the incredible beauty of nature and its vulnerability. The experience these Young Explorers gained will forever shape the way they treat our planet and its resources.”
The Pangaea Expedition has empowered youths from 40 countries and has resulted in more than 100 follow-up projects that the Young Explorers initiated in their home countries. These so-called ACT projects include conferences and presentations to create public awareness, environmental campaigns such as clean-ups and tree planting, long-term environmental projects engaging in the protection of flora and fauna of both land and marine biodiversity, as well as social community projects such as school renovations, education on health and sanitation and the donation of sports, household items and first-aid kits to third world communities.
Pangaea is a long-term initiative, which has made considerable sustainable impact around the world, but it doesn’t just end there. “This expedition may well have come to an end but it’s just the beginning of a bigger and brighter picture. The Pangaea Expedition has left its mark in the hearts and minds of hundreds of youths who are making a real difference. These World Ambassadors will continue to grow from strength to strength and we must use their passion and boundless energy and aid the plight towards the protection of our planet. Human survival is in the hands of the younger generation and the decisions they will make in the future. Together with the support of motivated partners I believe we have the key to succeed and pave the way towards making our planet a better place for the future generations.” Mike Horn

For any additional information please contact: Cathy Horn
Mike Horn Expedition Centre, Grand Rue 70, 1660, Château-d'Oex, Switzerland
Mobile: 0041 (0) 79 289 81 29 Tel: 0041 (0) 26 924 37 25 E Mail: [email protected] Website:

Geberit Social Aid Project

Blog written by Lani van Niekerk

Today we rolled up our sleeves and got our hands dirty! We started the day with working in the food garden. The garden is flourishing and the plants are producing veggies in abundance! The teachers and kids from the school have already harvested a large amount of beautiful beetroot. The excess will be bagged and sold in order to raise funds to buy more seeds.

After all the heavy rain, the weeds were growing all over. Along with the school kids, we put in a big effort to rid the beds of all the alien plants. This was followed by the planting of some citrus trees. These will start bearing fruit within the next two years. We also made a pair of new scarecrows that can keep watch over our precious vegetables! The children loved these activities and it really helped them to become more involved in the development of the garden.

A big part of our project is to reach out to the community. We visited an AIDS Haven where they take care of children that suffer from HIV/AIDS. They have 6 “mothers” who take care of the children as if they were her own family. In the future they hope to be able to provide a house for every family. These children also receive much-needed medication every day. We had a great time playing with the little kids (mostly aged 4 years) and talking to the volunteers.

Furthermore, the guys from Geberit are doing a great job with the installation of the sanitation facilities. We have made good progress so far, and are pretty confident that we will finish on schedule, even though we are quite pressed for time.

The afternoon was spent painting the classes of the grade 6 learners. These classes are really old and could do with a new lick of paint! We finished the base coat and started drawing the outlines for the pictures that will go on top. After finishing, we packed up and headed home for a well-deserved rest.

Geberit Social Aid project

It was with broad smiles and big hugs that we were welcomed at Fontein Combined School in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. After three months, we are back at the school with the team from Geberit! Our main goals for the next two weeks include installing brand new bathrooms for the children as well as completing several social projects at the school.

So far we have done presentations about hygiene and sanitation with the foundation phase kids (ages 8-10). Along with this we have distributed food and bowls that they can use for their feeding scheme. The installation of the toilets is going extremely well. Geberit has brought 8 apprentices from Germany, Switzerland and Austria to come and install the sanitation facilities. (And they are in the process of teaching us YEPs how to actually handle pipe-cutters and wood drills. Becci spent her afternoon learning how to weld plastic pipes!) In the end, we will have 72 new installations (toilets, urinals and basins) that will contribute a lot to the sanitation of the school.

Today we experienced a bit of a culture shock. We went deep into the townships in order to get a better understanding of the environments that the school children grow up in. We visited the houses of some of the kids and were touched by the poor circumstances they live in. We were silenced by our emotions as we drove through the dirty streets. Ruben (an apprentice from Geberit) mentioned that he had the feeling of injustice and that he felt very helpless to see the people live like this. Simon (also from Geberit) said he even felt too bad to eat after our trip to the township. After an eye-opener like this, I think we were all humbled and extremely thankful that we can give something to people who really need it.

Geberit event in Abu Dhabi

Update from the UAE

The Geberit event took place on board Pangaea on the 22nd of October 2012, a perfect day in Abu Dhabi. The seas were calm and the skies blue and Mike gave an amazing motivational talk, an insight into his life, tales of 'on board Pangaea', the amazing work he does with todays youths from around the globe instilling them to become ambassadors in taking care of our planet!

Mike had the audience gasping with his tales and opened everyone eyes to the topics of global warming, sustainability, what we all can do to save our planet…. it was great. The event was attended by 25 guests, made up of our VIP clients and press along with the Geberit team.

The guests arrived at 11am, we had an introduction by Stefan Schmied and then Mike Horn introduced his crew and talked through his photo presentation. This was followed by a 40 minute cruise from the Emirates Palace Marina. A light lunch was served on board and the guests departed after a photo opportunity with Mike.

Fun times at the YEP Reunion

Even though the weather was miserable the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of September, it didn't dampen the spirits of the 20 or so Young Explorers that came from miles away to gather in Château-d'Oex, Switzerland. A fun time was had by all as the group of International youths did activities in the nature, discussed potential projects and got to know each other.

Please read some of the Young Explorers blogs below…

Revenir à cet endroit était un moment magique car j’avais tous les souvenirs du Camp pour l’Expédition en Amazonie! De plus, revoir l’équipe de Mike qui nous suit depuis le début de notre engagement était génial car nous avons pu nous remémorer nos histoires et en apprendre plus sur chacun.
Je connaissais personnellement peu de Jeunes Explorateurs qui sont venus et cette réunion m’a permis de découvrir des gens passionnés et volontaires!
Malgré le mauvais temps des premiers jours, nous avons réussi à partager notre temps au travers de débats, discussions de projets actuels et futurs, courses à pieds et marches à travers le magnifique paysage de Chateau d’Oex.
Durant le dernier jour, le temps était vraiment superbe et nous avons enchainé entre Parkour, baignades dans la rivière (environ à 10°c), dans la piscine et parcours de santé dans la forêt.
Pour ce rassemblement entre Young Explorers, je m’étais proposé pour participer à l’organisation de la Réunion et ce fut une expérience formidable! J’ai appris comment gérer un groupe par rapport aux activités sportives et intellectuelles, au camping, à la nourriture, aux arrivées et départs.
Ces rassemblements créent des émulsions et une fusion qui nous motive pour continuer à se revoir et réaliser des projets passionnants.
written by Alizée Cugney

La reunion fue un momento especial. Para algunos de nosotros signif el reencuentro con gente que no habiamos visto en mucho tiempo y, para todos, posibilitó conocer a YEPS de otros Selection Camps o Expediciones. Aunque llovió durante casi toda la reunión, esto no impidió que nademos en el río, corramos por la montaña o hagamos trekking disfrutando el paisaje pintoresco de los Alpes suizos. Finalmente, fue una oportunidad para intercambiar ideas acerca de proyectos actuales y discutir sobre proyectos futuros.
written by Paula Meloni

Am Fritig abig mega vill nöi YEP's kennä glert. Trotz Räge u zimli chaltem Wätter hei mir alli scho dä abig gnosse u dr nächst morge mit emnä erfrischendä louf am Fluss gstartet. Nach interssante Präsentatione über diversi Projekt wie zum Beispiel ds Baltica Projekt in Pole und erä aschliessendr Wandrig i de Bergä um Chateau-d'oex, si mr alli i gnuss cho vo Luke und Michaels braai (Südafrikanisch für Brätle). Ou dr Sunntig isch widr voll vo aktivitäte gsi, vo schwimme imenä chalte bärgbach bis hin zu Parcour traning. Zum glück hend mr chöne drüber redä wend mr ds nächscht mal wider es träffe hend, so das di Tradition ufrächt erhlate wird ou wes ke selection camp meh git. Merci, allne wo organisiert hend und allne wo da si gsi.
written by Livio Knöri

Als ich am Freitagabend ankam hat es in Strömen geregnet – und das hat sich erst mal auch nicht geändert. Deswegen gingen wir am nächsten Tag nach dem Frühstück nicht zum Klettersteigen, sondern zum Hôtel de Ville wo Michael uns eine Präsentation über das Südafrika Schulprojekt hielt. Zum Glück hörte der Regen nach einer Weile doch auf und wir konnten ein bisschen wandern gehen. Der Tag endete mit einem sehr schönen und lustigen Grillabend in Mikes Haus. Trotz des langen Abends ging es morgens um sieben Uhr (bei gutem Wetter!!) mit Parcour los und nach dem Frühstück gleich weiter zum Fitnessparcours unten am Fluss. Zur Abkühlung nahmen wir ein kurzes Bad im sehr kalten Flusswasser und hüpften noch einige Male ins Schwimmbad am Campingplatz. Wir wurden zu einem leckeren Mittagessen am Hotel eingeladen und viele mussten schon abreisen. Auch wenn das Wochenende nur kurz, und das Wetter nicht ganz so besonders war, war es ein sehr schönes Treffen!
written by Nora Bergner

Å›wiÄ™ta, Å›wiÄ™ta i po Å›wiÄ™tach…
Bardzo szybko upÅ‚ynÄ…Å‚ czas podczas weekendu, kiedy wszyscy YEP-owcy spotkali siÄ™ w Chateau d´Oex. PolskÄ™ reprezentowali Marianna, MichaÅ‚ i Olek, a tylko nieszczęśliwy losowy wypadek powstrzymaÅ‚ AniÄ™ GieroÅ„, ktorÄ… dzieliÅ‚o zaledwie kilka godzin do przyjazdu do Szwajcarii. MÅ‚odzi podróżnicy nie mogli też nacieszyć siÄ™ pogodÄ…, ponieważ przez wiÄ™kszość czasu padaÅ‚ deszcz i panowaÅ‚a niska temperatura. Nie przeszkodziÅ‚o to jednak, by w czasie poza dyskusjami i prezentacjami dotyczacymi projektów, oddać siÄ™ aktywnosci fizycznej wÄ™drujÄ…c po górach, biegajÄ…c w lesie, czy pÅ‚ywajÄ…c w alpejskich potokach i wodospadach. Najważniejsza jednak byÅ‚a przyjazna atmosfera i spotkanie, które miaÅ‚o przynieść efekt w postaci lepszej integracji wszystkich osób zaangażowanych w dziaÅ‚alność Mike´a Horna i wspóÅ‚tworzeniu kolejnych projektów w przyszÅ‚oÅ›ci. To z pewnoÅ›ciÄ… siÄ™ udaÅ‚o! Wartym podkreÅ›lenia jest fakt, że wszyscy wyrażajÄ… chęć dalszej wspóÅ‚pracy i spotkaÅ„ w podrózniczym gronie, dlatego z tegorocznego Reunionu można być zadowolonym!
written by Aleksander Spychała

Hej všihni! my jsme mÄ›li ten nejzajímavÄ›jší víkend v Château-D'Oex, kde jsme se opÄ›t po dlouhé dobÄ› setkali a spolu užili spoustu zábavy. Pro mÄ› to i mimo jiné byla velká inspirace, když jsem znovu stoupil do hotelu, kde jsme všichni pÅ™ed pár roků museli prokázat. A kouknÄ›te na výsledek, naše komunita roste!
written by Simon Havas (Czech Republic)

我终于再次来到了Château-D'Oex!经过那么些时间,回到这片神奇的土地总是令我特别的兴奋!天气一直不太棒,但这完全没有阻挡我们享受这个周末。 我们在令人叹为观止的风景中露营,跑步,远足,游泳。但最大的亮点毫无疑问是这群对我来说很特殊的人,我很荣幸能够跟你们度过这完美的三天, 能够再次跟YEP同胞们相会,认识更多的Pangaea家庭成员,以及再次看到Mike Horn团队。我们大家度过了一段非常愉快的时间!虽然,非常遗憾,Pangaea探险已结束,但我敢肯定,我们将继续发扬YEP精神,必将有许多场合再次相会!希望很快可以再次见到大家!“干杯!“
written by Felix Hsu (China)

Pangaea’s stop-over in Cape Town

Pangaea has been moored in Cape Town's V&A Harbour since her arrival on the 25th of July. Since then Mike Horn and his crew have been busy with various sponsor events and have taken guests sailing in Cape Towns beautiful harbour.

Yesterday's sail was a feast to the eyes as thousands of dolphins ( otherwise known as a super pod) swam with Pangaea for almost  one hour. At the same time whales were breaching and seals were playing nearby.

YEP 12 Africa Expedition – Day 22

Blog written by Nadja and Tanguay

They say time flies when you’re having fun and during last 3 weeks we all realized the true meaning of that sentence. Our day began the same way yesterday finished: packing. We were all trying to find our stuff around the boat and not think about our soon departure. This expedition brought us all together and we became a true family and that’s what makes saying goodbye that difficult. But we will all make sure to say hello to each other soon again. It really was a life-changing experience that we will always remember.