Never give up!
Blog written by Bobby COLEMAN (14, USA)
I'm so excited as I look forward to the adventure of my lifetime! The time since Switzerland has been a blur, trying to get stuff done on many fronts in between school requirements.
We're all trying to get the message out about Mike Horn and the global environmental issues. I've been to 6 events since returning from Switzerland; in each case I found chances to talk about Mike Horn & his amazing Pangaea expeditions. First, I was invited for four days to be the "Honorary Chair" of a film festival (the Beloit International Film Festival) as soon as I got back from Switzerland. They flew me to Chicago, and I had a chance to talk to many film makers from all over the world as well as attendees. As Honorary Chair, I was invited to speak a lot. I spoke to a bunch of classes at the Beloit High School, and encouraged all of them to look up Mike Horn and to get active in the big environmental issues. I talked to at least 1000 people, and probably 80 people individually about Mike Horn. After that, there were five "pre-Oscar" events, with a lot of opportunity to meet and talk to film people. I've been able to raise money for our Amazon project, and to spread the word wherever I can. I've attached a pic of me from those events.
Meanwhile, we've been trying to help finalize the project we're going to be doing in the Amazon. I've set up some Skype meetings — it's been a challenge with people all over the world in different time zones! The main thing we're trying to figure out is how to communicate (with possibly illiterate people who speak a different language and may not have knowledge of bacteria) in simple pictures and words the vital need for clean water to fight diseases, and how to set up and use the filters that were kindly donated by Katadyn! But that's pretty hard to do… any ideas?
Oh! I'm so excited… I got a GoPro camera — that's the kind that mounts on your body. I want to wear it as I trek, so people can get a POV of what it's like to do an Amazon expedition! You can even jump in the water and dive down 200 feet (or get heavily rained on) and it just keeps working! I've attached the first pic I took trying to figure out how it works! Since then I've run around taking POV videos of everything in my life.
I'm busy learning about the Amazon and getting more excited with each passing hour! I'm busy packing too, and yesterday we were able to spring our package of supplies loose from Customs in Kentucky, so it's supposed to arrive today. I can't believe this is really happening! THANK YOU MIKE HORN AND THE PANGAEA TEAM!!!!!
NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP! – Winston Churchill
Look deep into nature, then you will understand everything better. – Albert Einstein
The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. – John Muir